This is for people who can't help themselves from using console commands. (like me)YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE INSTALLER FROM THIS SITE - my file anywhere to get the 'DisableConsole.ahk'Once you've downloaded this installer along with the file I've uploaded, just left click my file to run the DisableConsole.ahk and it will disable the console in game until it is closed.This is a custom script that disables the keyboard shortcut for the console (' on GB keyboard) until the script is closed. When it is running, a green icon will appear on your windows hotbar (has a H on it) - you need to keep this open as long as you want your console key to be disabled. Just right-click and 'exit' to close the script.In theory, there's no reason for ANY problems to occur with this - had several hours playing without consequence as it is just a script to change a keybinding.If you try and press the console key in-game, it'll just make you walk forward.Made by a friend who asked me to upload and write the instructions on his behalf.
Fallout 4 Mods Disabling Themselves Working
Uninstall Fallout 4. Manually delete anything left in your Fallout 4 folder. Manually delete Fallout4.ini in your My Games folder. Manually delete plugins.txt from C: Users AppData Local Fallout4 (by default). Reinstall the game. mods uninstall/unload themselves cleanly when you delete or deactivate them.